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Personal Emergency Response System

What is a Personal Emergency Response System?

Connect America is a Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) and leading provider of telecare/telehealth solutions worldwide, offering support to more than 2.5 million people. The VNA of Care New England offers this service to patients, their families, and anyone in need of an added layer of security. Utilization of this service enables users to live more independent, fulfilling lives at home, on the go, and within shared living environments.

From individual, wearable fall detector pendants and bed-occupancy sensors to a complete Smart Hub wireless home unit that automatically alerts a monitoring center, The VNA's range of telecare products offer a tailored care solution for every stage of the care continuum.  

Contact Information

VNA of Care New England
51 Health Lane
Warwick, RI 02886
P: (401) 737-6050
F: (401) 737-3084
E: info@vnacarenewengland.org

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is it for?

Individuals at high risk for falls or those with limited ability. Those with muscle weakness, mental, physical, or sensory impairments, or individuals who take medications which may cause dizziness. People with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, or those who suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure). Someone living alone or those who may benefit from an extra layer of security. Anyone requiring additional support or assistance.  

What should you expect?

  • 24/7 safety monitoring.  
  • Immediate access to emergency response operators at the push of a button.  
  • Secure and independent living.  
  • Enhanced safety at all times.  
  • Free in-home setup.  
  • Peace of mind for yourself and loved ones.  

How does it work?

At the touch of a button, a distress call is generated through the console unit and sent to the 24/7 emergency response center (ERC). Specially trained operators can access a subscriber’s relevant information and communicate with them directly through the console to best determine a course of action. Additionally, a built-in automatic detector, available on select models, is able to sense when a subscriber has fallen and triggers a prompt call to the ERC.  

Which System is Best for You?

*Prices listed are the monthly monitoring fee 

For more information or to purchase these products, please call (401) 788-2400.

All plans are eligible for discounted rates if pre-paid on a quarterly or annual basis.

MYTREX Land Line

Communicating with the emergency response center through a telephone line, the base unit will transmit the signal with the push of a button on the pendant. The pendant can be worn around the neck, or on the wrist. Water safe for use in the shower. Max range of up to 700’.



Works and communicates in the same manner as the AMIE model, with the same features, but also includes an additional fall-detection sensor. The pendant can be worn around the neck or clipped on the pocket. Water safe for use in the shower. Max range of up to 700’.



A popular choice for those on-the-go; this wireless unit provides independence with security. The self-contained unit is worn around the neck and communicates with the call center directly through a two-way integrated loudspeaker and microphone using a push button. This unit functions on cellular service and triangulates location; cell phone or landline, not required. Water safe for use in the shower. Does not include fall detection.


ANELTO OTG (On-the-go)

This wireless unit provides independence and security for those who like to be “on-the-go”. The self-contained unit is worn around the neck and communicates with the cell center directly through a two-way integrated loudspeaker and microphone with the push of a button. This unit functions similarly to a cell phone and features GPS technology to pinpoint your location. Water safe for use in the shower. This unit comes with or without fall detection.

Without fall detection is $32.00*

Unit including Fall Detection is $40.00*